Nordic Naturals – Nature and Delice

Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
What makes Nordic Naturals unique? Nordic Naturals offers concentrated fish oil in triglyceride form which is 70% more absorbable than in ethyl ester form, leaving you with higher levels of omega-3s.

Despite the triglyceride advantage that Nordic Naturals offers, few others brands on the market today take the time to manufacture concentrates in this form. Most that do, offer products that contain (at most) 60% true triglycerides, with the remaining 40% diglycerides and monoglycerides.

Nordic Naturals evidence-based processing attains over 93% triglycerides in our concentrated fish oils. After concentration, our purified oils are carefully returned to their natural triglyceride form—the only form in which they exist in fish, or can be metabolized by the human body. Few other brands take this extra step, preferring instead to market their products as ethyl esters. By re-esterifying our oil in phases, we are able to deliver over 93% true triglycerides—far beyond those of other brands. This type of fish oil is also known as re-esterfied triglyceride fish oil (rTG).

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